The findings were published yesterday (Oct. "This also might explain why women wear high heel and why wearing high heel shoes increases women's attractiveness," Pazhooi said. Therefore, the researchers suggest that a similar signal could have evolved as part of the courting behavior of humans. Previous studies have found, for example, that the lordosis posture- when the lower back curves in toward the belly - is a sign that animals such as rats, guinea pigs, sheep, cats, ferrets and primates are ready to mate. "The perception of attractiveness and visual attention to the hip region suggests that 'lordosis,' or the arching of the back, might signal human females' 'proceptivity,' or willingness to be courted," Pazhoohi said in the statement. Arch Pic Snapchat: The Ultimate FAQ for Beginners 5 Mind-Blowing Facts You Need to Know About Arch Pic Snapchat Mastering the Art of Arch Pics: Advanced Tips and Tricks for Snapchatters The Evolution of Arch Pic Snapchat: A Brief History Arch Pic Showdown: Comparing the Best Examples from Influencers and Celebrities. The images were then presented to a group of 82 heterosexual male and female undergraduate students, who rated the attractiveness of each model. Each model featured a slightly different posture and was photographed from the front, side and back. In the study, researchers created six computer-generated 3D models of a woman's upper body. This may explain the lure, for some, of "twerking" and wearing high-heeled shoes. "Increased curvature increases the perception of attractiveness," lead study author Farid Pazhoohi, a psychology researcher at the University of Minho in Portugal, said in a statement. For example, when a woman shifts her hips backward, it creates a curve in the lower back that captivates an observer's gaze, according to the study.

Using 3D models and eye-tracking technology, researchers found that slight changes in posture can affect the perception of a woman's attractiveness.

Men appear to be more drawn to women who slightly curve their backs, revealing what could be an evolutionary tactic used by females to imply they are willing to mate, a new study from Portugal finds.